Ready, Set, Money – Financial Literacy

Ready Set Money is all about increasing your skills and knowledge in managing your money.

Ready Set Money uses a range of strategies to deliver the program. It is delivered in an interactive way, with participants engaging in discussion, collaborating in pairs or group situations and participating in role play.

The program focuses on key areas:

Values and Attitudes

– Exploration of personal values, attitudes and the impact these have on financial decisions
– Introduction to a Financial Health Check as a means of discussing money
– Discussing and understanding the differences between need and wants
– Exploring what causes people to get into financial difficulties

Money in Our Community

– Explore payday lenders and everyday hidden costs
– Discuss the pros and cons of credit and when to use it
– Discuss questions to ask before using credit
– Look at what debt means for individuals and society
– How to work out interest
– Discussion around the causes and effects of financial abuse

Budgeting and Support

– Understanding how to budget and what skills can help this process
– Personal experiences with budgeting
– Strategies to offer support and assistance
– Strategies for changing behaviour
– Active listening practice
– Goal setting strategies

Contact us for further information.

Who this service is for

Anyone wanting to increase skills and knowledge in managing money.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    You can visit our office

  • Call or visit us online

    Contact us or see our website for more information

Updated: 25/06/2024

Provided by

20 Watchorn Street, Hobart TAS, Australia

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