Supported Accommodation

Finding a housemate or living alone.
Living Together – If you prefer the company of others, you can look at sharing your home. There are lots of ways you can find someone to share with – you can move into an already established home or you can find like-minded people to set up a new house or unit. We can help make introductions and break the ice.
Single Living – Some prefer their own company. Single Living is just that; living in your own home by yourself with our experienced support staff to keep you on track.
Neighbourhood Living – Everybody needs good neighbours. Living in a complex of units and becoming part of a close-knit community, you can choose to live in a unit by yourself or share with others.

Who this service is for

NDIS Participants considering Independent Living with funding for SIL or Inividualised Living Options.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    We have offices in the south, north and north west.

  • Call or visit us online

    Contact us on 1800 066 066 or see our website for more information including current vacancies.

Updated: 21/09/2021

Provided by

175 Collins Street, Hobart TAS, Australia
182-192 Cimitiere Street, Launceston TAS, Australia
3 Reeves Street, South Burnie TAS, Australia

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