Home Library Service

The Libraries Tasmania Home Library Service is a free and convenient way for homebound residents and carers to maintain a vital connection with all that the library offers. Volunteers couriers deliver library material to people who cannot easily get to a library themselves.

Who this service is for

The Home Library Service is available if you:

• have a temporary, recurring or permanent illness or disability which prevents you visiting the library in person.
• can visit the library but are unable to carry library items home.
• live in a private home, aged care facility, hospital, hostel or supported accommodation house.
• provide daily care for someone with a disability, who has a medical condition, or who is frail or aged, and you are therefore unable to visit the library during opening hours.

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Contact your local library to register, or see our website for more information.

  • Call or visit us online

    Phone us or see our website for more details.

  • We'll come to you (outreach)

    We aim to provide a Home Library Service through all our sites around Tasmania. Our volunteers deliver library material to people who cannot easily get to a library themselves.

Updated: 25/07/2024