Blood-Borne Virus Awareness (BBVAware) Program

Blood-Borne Virus Awareness  (BBVAware) Program

The BBVAware Program aims to reduce stigma in the community associated with blood-borne viruses by providing the following:

  • information and education sessions to frontline staff
  • resources and information for people at risk of developing BBV’s
  • referral assistance to help people access testing for blood-borne viruses

New treatment can cure hepatitis C and assist people living with HIV and hepatitis B to live full and healthy lives.

Blood-borne virus Education sessions:

Blood-borne virus is a virus that its transmitted from one person to another through blood or body fluids that contain blood. This includes sexual activity, sharing of needles or other injecting equipment, and boy art such as tattoos’.

The top 3 BBV’s in Australia are*:

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
  • Hepatitis B(HVB)
  • Hepatitis C (HVC)

*As cited by the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) 


Blood-borne virus education session
Anglicare provides education and information sessions to the community around all aspects of blood-borne viruses (BBVs).

Our training packages can be tailored to the individual or organisational need and delivered either in-person or online.
The sessions cover:

  • what are BBVs?
  • BBV risks and health issues
  • processes and treatments
  • stigma and discrimination
  • prevention and harm minimisation.

Following the training session, participants will have a better understanding and awareness of:

  • The main risks and associated health issues of BBVs
  • the different strains and symptoms of Hepatitis
  • the different testing and treatment options for BBVs
  • how BBVs can impact peoples lives
  • how to prevent and reduce BBV transmission
  • the Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) outlets

Request a BBVAware Training session here



Program Flyer

Download our Hepatitis Prevention Flyer for more information.

Updated: 24/05/2023