Find and Connect

Find & Connect is a free and confidential support service provided by Relationships Australia Tasmania state-wide that can help you to:

– access personalised support and counselling;
– where possible, obtain your personal records, trace your history and understand why you were placed into care;
– connect with other services and support networks that may assist you at this time in your life;
– reconnect with family, where possible; and
– connect with other Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants through our drop-in centres and newsletter.

Who this service is for

If you spent time in a children’s home or institution, were a ward of the state or placed in foster care before the end of 1989 the Find & Connect support service may be able to assist you.


Find & Connect is a free and confidential support service provided by Relationships Australia Tasmania state-wide for Forgotten Australians, Care Leavers, Stolen Generation and Former Child Migrants.

Opening Hours

Monday- Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    This is a statewide service

  • Call or visit us online

    Contact the Tasmanian Find & Connect support service (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm) by calling 1800 16 11 09 (free call).

    If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 16 11 09, or visit the Find & Connect Tasmania website.

    1800 calls are free from most fixed lines however there may be a charge for calls from mobiles.

Updated: 11/07/2024

Provided by

20 Clare Street, New Town TAS, Australia
6 Paterson Street, Launceston TAS, Australia
68-70 North Fenton Street, Devonport TAS, Australia

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