CORES Suicide Prevention Training

The training will provide participants with the essential skills to identify and respond to a person at risk of suicide, and:
• To recognise the warning signs of suicide
• To learn how to support a person at risk to access appropriate services and to develop their own safety plan
• To promote help-seeking behaviour before a crisis occurs
• Each participant will learn to identify their own self-care strategies
• An opportunity for participants to develop their own personalised safety plan

Who this service is for

Whole Communities – All community members will benefit from this training.

This training is designed for all members of the community from 15 years of age and upwards,including individuals, groups, schools and organisations.


This service is often free due to grants and community donations. Each session will have this specified.

Opening Hours

Our offices are attended 9-5 most weekdays.

Due to the nature of our work we cannot guarantee that a person will be available in office at all times. However, if you leave a phone message or send an email someone will get back to you within the week.

Accessibility Support

We aim to provide disability accessible amenities for our trainings where possible.

How this service is delivered

  • We'll come to you (outreach)

    We travel across Tasmania to deliver our training. Contact us to arrange training in your area.

Updated: 04/06/2024