Beaconsfield Neighbourhood House

Professional and friendly support services and groups of many kinds are available here at Beaconsfield Neighbourhood House for those living locally in the Tamar Valley of Tasmania.

Browse through the list on our website, or call us if you need help finding the support you’re looking for.

Services include:
– No interest loans (NILS)
– Financial counselling
– Rental and Bond packs
– Wheels for West Tamar – Learning to Drive support
– NDIS Local Area Co-ordinator
– Housing Connect
– Launceston Community Legal Centre solicitor
– Help with legal forms
– Remedial massage
– Support Groups (eg Diabetic support, Carers support)

See our website for full details

Who this service is for

Anyone in the community

Opening Hours

We are open Monday to Friday, 9am - 3.30pm

How this service is delivered

  • Face-to-face

    Visit us

  • Call or visit us online

    Call us or see our website for full details

Updated: 11/07/2024

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